4 Things to Know When Getting Braces as an Adult

December 27, 2022

A young woman wearing braces as an adult

Braces might seem like a procedure for kids, but that’s far from the truth. Thousands of grown-ups get them every year! (You’re never too old, after all, to enjoy straighter teeth.) That said, there are things you should know when getting braces as an adult. Otherwise, you’ll get caught off guard by the treatment process. Fortunately, your Highland Park orthodontist can set things straight. Here are four facts about adult braces to learn ahead of time.

You Won’t Wear the Braces Forever

Admittedly, teens have an easier time with braces due to their pliable jawbones. Still, that doesn’t mean an adult would have to wear the metal brackets and wires for a long time.

In general, you can expect to wear adult braces from 14-26 months. The exact time will depend on the kind you pick and the severity of your alignment issues. Whatever the timeline, though, it’ll go faster than you’d think — today’s dental technology ensures a speedy straightening!

Adult Braces are Often Affordable

Thankfully, you can get adult braces without “breaking the bank.” While their basic cost ranges from $4,000 to $6,000, many practices offer various payment options.

For example, some dentists provide flexible financing through third parties. This approach lets you pay for braces in monthly installments. That way, you can cover the cost over time instead of all at once.

Alternately, there are dental plans that cover adult braces. If you have one, you’ll pay fewer out-of-pocket fees.

Treatment Improves Your Oral Health

While you might want braces for cosmetic reasons, the appliance could also boost your oral health. It all depends on your alignment problems.

In some cases, food gets stuck more easily between misaligned teeth. You could thus be at higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease. However, braces would “straighten things out” (pun intended) and lead to less stuck food.

Adult Braces are Pretty Convenient

As an adult, you might worry that wearing braces would be a tough chore. In truth, though, the process is pretty convenient.

For one thing, adjustment visits take little time. Zipping in and out of appointments is a breeze. Furthermore, you won’t need to book many of them.

It’s also easy to get help through virtual appointments. You could thus stay at home while reviewing quick updates.

True enough, wearing braces as an adult can be a unique experience. As long you remember the facts above, though, you’ll be fine!

About the Practice

Jessica Cohen Orthodontics is based in Highland Park, IL. As led by Dr. Jessica Cohen herself, our practice specializes in bite and tooth alignment that improves oral health. To that end, we offer metal braces, clear braces, Invisalign aligners, and even non-surgical bite correction. Our office also ensures affordable care with free oral exams! If you’d like to learn more or book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (224)-427-6800.