Fast & Easy: The Benefits of Indirect Bonding Braces

March 15, 2024

 young girl with braces

It’s so relaxing to order carryout from your favorite restaurant. Nothing feels better than walking in and being handed nice warm food without having to wait! Indirect bonding braces basically work the same way, allowing you or your child to begin the orthodontic process as quickly and effectively as possible. But how exactly do they work? Does the speed come with any drawbacks? This blog will cover everything you need to know and more.

What Exactly Are Indirect Bonding Braces?

The way metal braces work largely hasn’t changed over the last 40 years—metal brackets are bonded onto the teeth and connected with a thin wire, and these apply slight pressure to the teeth to guide them into a straighter, more attractive orientation.

For decades, getting the brackets bonded onto each tooth took about 40 to 60 minutes on average, all while the patient had a cheek retractor holding their lips apart. It doesn’t sound comfortable because it isn’t!

But with indirect bonding braces, this initial step is streamlined while also making it more effective. Rather than bonding the braces directly to a patient’s teeth, an impression of their mouth is taken first. Then, the brackets are bonded to this model. This approach gives the orthodontist more control over the positioning of each bracket, leading to a more precise result. Once everything is in place, a customized tray is created.

When the patient comes in, this tray serves as a guide, allowing the orthodontist to place the brackets just like they did on the model.

The Advantages of Indirect Bonding Braces  

  • Less Time: Instead of taking close to an hour, indirect bonding braces can be placed in about 15-25 minutes!
  • More Comfort: Sitting with your lips being held apart can cause them to dry and crack. Indirect bonding minimizes the time spent in the chair to largely avoid this.
  • More Precision: Bonding brackets to a model of the mouth makes it easier for the orthodontist to find the perfect place compared to the old way, leading to more effective positioning for the patient.

The Better Way to Place Braces

Indirect bonding braces offer the best of everything. They allow patients to start their smile journey faster, make the bonding process less cumbersome, and allow the orthodontist to do their best work. What’s not to love? This method can be used for patients of all ages, so when you reach out to a local orthodontist, be sure to ask if they do indirect bonding!

About the Author

Dr. Jessica Cohen earned her dental degree at Case Western Reserve University and received her Certificate in Orthodontics and Master of Science degree from the University of Illinois. Dr. Cohen is also a member of the American Association of Orthodontists and many other professional organizations. To learn more about braces or the other treatments we offer, you can request an appointment through our website or call our office at (224) 427-6800.