What are the Health Benefits of Straight Teeth?

May 18, 2023

An orthodontist placing braces on a patient’s teeth

Often enough, people just get orthodontics for cosmetic reasons. That’s only natural – a crooked smile isn’t pleasant to look at! Still, were you aware that there are health benefits of straight teeth? An aligned grin actually does a lot of good for your body. Therefore, getting one would improve your overall quality of life. If you want to learn more, your Highland Park orthodontist will happily explain. Here, then, are four physical perks of nicely straight teeth.

Less Wear & Tear

In reality, bite problems can put a lot of stress on teeth. They often lead to notching at the gum line, fractures, and flattening of the biting surface. When such things happen, the resulting damage looks bad and puts you at risk of gum disease.

Luckily, a straight smile avoids these issues. Aligned teeth, you see, suffer less wear and tear and put less pressure on your gums and jaw. They thus help you avoid needless dental harm.

Fewer Breaks, Chips, & Cracks

Unfortunately, crooked teeth are more likely to chip and crack. After all, they’re more exposed to danger when you fall or suffer an accident. They also tend to be weak in themselves and crack or break easily.

Of course, you can lower this risk by aligning your chompers. Straight teeth are better protected against cracks, chips, breaks, and sores. Furthermore, these pearly whites are durable and likelier to have strong enamel.

A Cleaner, Healthier Smile

Adding insult to injury, crooked teeth can lead to an unhealthy mouth. Those that are overcrowded or too spaced out may irritate your gum tissue. From there, your odds of getting gum disease will rise.

In contrast, straight teeth are easier to clean and maintain. They don’t get in the way of proper brushing and flossing. As a result, they lower your chances of getting cavities or gum disease.

Reduced Neck and Jaw Pain

Surprisingly enough, a crooked smile can trigger chronic neck and jaw pain. It involves misalignments that strain your jaw joints and gums. Left unchecked, these could eventually result in headaches, migraines, and TMJ disorder.

An aligned smile, however, results in less pain. When your bite works correctly, it doesn’t place undue stress on muscles and bones. Consequently, it’ll lead to fewer headaches and easier chewing.

Taken together, the health benefits of straight teeth are significant. Therefore, consider orthodontic work with your local dental practice!

About the Practice

Jessica Cohen Orthodontics is based in Highland Park, IL. Led by Dr. Jessica Cohen, our practice treats dental irregularities to improve your oral health. In particular, we offer a wide variety of orthodontic services for patients of all ages. Whether you need braces, retainers, or Invisalign aligners, we’ll “straighten out” your teeth and jaw problems! For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (224)-427-6800.