Unseen Advantages: Discovering the Added Benefits of Invisalign

July 14, 2023

A woman holding two Invisalign aligners in the shape of a heart.

It’s hard to understate the benefits of having a set of straight pearly whites in your mouth. The most obvious upside is the boost of confidence you gain while looking in the mirror or smiling with your friends and family, but could there be more?

Invisalign has become the go-to orthodontic solution since it was introduced in the late 90s due to its discreet nature and easy application. Twenty years later, there are still benefits of the system are still less obvious to most users. To learn more about these often overlooked advantages, continue reading.

Improved Bite

Your “bite” refers to the way that your teeth fit together in your mouth. A normal bite should allow the top teeth to rest slightly over the lower teeth and the molars should fit neatly into one another—top and bottom.

Since Invisalign shifts teeth into a more stable position, most people find that their bite has improved after using it. With this comes less friction in your smile, preventing excess wear and tear on individual teeth that might rest against one another differently.

Improved Digestion

Your digestive system begins in your mouth where you chew your food as it’s mixed with your saliva. Your teeth grind larger chunks of food down into more digestible pieces and begin the process of breaking down fats and starches. This action also prevents you from choking on food as it goes down your esophagus.

When your teeth are in alignment, it becomes much easier to chew. Better mastication is directly linked with improved digestion as the finer the food becomes when traveling into your stomach, the easier it is to process.

Less Jaw, Neck, and Face Pain

People who experience jaw, neck, and face pain from grinding also benefit from Invisalign. As long as there are no other underlying causes, aligners can help deprogram the muscles that cause Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD).

This jaw disorder causes pain in your joints, clicking and popping, misaligned jaws, inefficient and painful chewing, or even the inability to chew. Over time, this can spread pain throughout your face and neck.

More Efficient Brushing and Flossing

Lastly, teeth that have been treated with Invisalign are straighter, and therefore much easier to clean. Crooked teeth can more easily trap food and are harder to use floss on as it can get stuck in or even snap in the spaces between.

With a more symmetrical smile, the floss will easily glide around your pearly whites, lifting out food particles and bacterial plaque. Your toothbrush will also more easily reach around your gums, providing a more thorough clean.

Altogether, Invisalign has the potential to improve every aspect of your oral health. From alleviating aches and pains and improving vital bodily functions to boosting confidence and enhancing your oral care routine. If you’ve been on the fence about seeing this treatment for yourself, these added benefits might be just what you need to take the plunge!

About the Author

Dr. Jessica Cohen believes that everyone deserves to be beautiful and treats her patients with dignity and grace. As a board-certified orthodontist, Dr. Cohen works tirelessly to provide the best and most practical treatments available. Dr. Cohen is a proud member of multiple professional organizations including the Chicago Dental Society and the American Association of Orthodontists. To schedule an Invisalign consultation or discover other treatment options available at Dr. Jessica Cohen Orthodontics, visit the website here or call (224) 427-6800.