You Asked, We Answered: When Should I Start Whitening My Teeth for an Event?

September 22, 2022

Closeup of bride with white teeth smiling

Whether you’re attending a holiday party, going to a wedding, or getting married yourself, you want your smile to be camera-ready. After all, the last thing you want is for stubborn stains to be the focus of the photo! The good news is that professional teeth whitening can effortlessly make dental discoloration a thing of the past, revealing a bright, beautiful smile that you’ll love. But how close to an event should you whiten your teeth? Keep reading to learn the answer.

So, When Should You Start Whitening Your Teeth for an Event?

The answer to this question may surprise you: the sooner the better! During your initial consultation, your cosmetic dentist may find an oral health concern, like cavities or gum disease, that needs to be treated first. Naturally, this can add a few weeks or months onto your treatment timeline depending on the necessary restorative care. Plus, it may take a few appointments to achieve the exact color you want. In short, if you don’t want to be crunched for time, schedule an appointment sooner rather than later.

Why Professional Whitening Treatments Are Better Than OTC Products

While the over-the-counter whitening kits at your local drugstore are certainly convenient, they aren’t the most reliable. With one-size-fits-all applicators and diluted whitening agents, how could they be? Professional whitening treatments, on the other hand, are powerful, safe, and effective. Plus, they are overseen by a dentist, ensuring that the health of your teeth and gums won’t be compromised in any way during the process.

How To: Keep Your Teeth Nice and Bright

Once you achieve the bright, beautiful smile you desire, you naturally don’t want any stains to resurface. The good news is that the results can last for several months with proper care. With this in mind, here are a few best practices to implement:

  • Avoid dark-colored foods, like soy sauce
  • Use a straw to drink dark-colored liquids, such as coffee, wine, and soda
  • Brush and floss your teeth after each meal
  • Quit unhealthy dental habits, including smoking
  • Get a dental checkup and cleaning every six months
  • Visit your dentist for touch-ups as needed

Whether your special event is a few weeks away or several months away, there’s no time like the present to get your smile-transformation underway! So, don’t wait to schedule an appointment with your cosmetic dentist.

About the Author

In addition to graduating with high honors from Case Western Reserve University, Dr. Jessica Cohen is a board-certified orthodontist with a Master of Science degree in Oral Sciences. She genuinely loves helping her patients achieve healthy, happy, and gorgeous smiles, which is why she offers everything from Invisalign to teeth whitening. If you have a question about professional teeth whitening or would like to schedule an appointment, don’t hesitate to visit our website or call (224) 427-6800.